



Three outstanding 十大菠菜导航网址 teachers were recently selected as 2010 Teachers of the Year.

Two of the three also became Los Angeles County Teachers of the Year and advance for consideration as California Teacher of the Year.

牙买加·罗斯在信号山小学教四年级, Adrienne Sandstedt teaches earth science and the MESA elective at 林赛 International Studies Magnet, and Amelia Valinsky-Fillipow teaches third grade at 凯特林 Classical 小学 School.

罗斯和瓦林斯基-菲利波的名字来源于L.A. 县荣誉.  All three were recently honored at a luncheon hosted by the Los Angeles County Office of Education for top teachers throughout the county.

牙买加·罗斯拥有跨越多个年级的经验, 第二次教学, 四年级和五年级,6-8年级的干预项目.  She takes a proactive approach to guide her students to pursue their personal best in all areas.

“在我的教室里, 我的学生对这一点和读书一样了解, 写作和算术是必不可少的技能, it is a greater accomplishment to have exceptional character and have the ability to work well with others.

“我的工作目标是成长和熟练的国家测试, 然而,我更努力地让他们产生个人的想法, for them to be independent thinkers and have confidence in what they think and in the choices they make.  我的学生信任我,知道我相信他们和他们所做的一切.  他们知道我是他们的粉丝、支持者和拥护者.”


“随着年龄的增长, 我担任过教练和夏令营顾问, 并且认识到教学的巨大回报, 指导和与人合作.  我了解到,我不仅影响了我所指导和咨询的孩子们的生活, 但我也影响了相关成年人的生活.”

对罗斯, difficult days in the classroom  present unique opportunities to connect with students for greater achievement.  On one such day, she stopped her scheduled lesson and requested the attention of her students.

“I asked them to help me and to help themselves by writing a letter that told me honestly what they thought and felt about this year.  他们对正在学习的东西有什么感觉, 菠菜网lol正规平台我的, 菠菜网lol正规平台体育时间——无论他们想说什么, 他们可以写.  可能是签名,也可能是伪装.  I let them know that their perspective matters and honesty was the only way for me to improve.  这些信给了他们力量和安慰,对我来说也很有见地和宝贵.  我提供了一些观点,让他们知道我可以调整, 同时让他们知道不是所有的想法都会付诸行动.  接下来的一周,参与的学生比以往任何时候都多.”

Adrienne Sandstedt serves as her science department chair and facilitates community service projects to engage her students.

“A truly inspirational moment for me 作为老师 was this spring when my sixth grade students investigated the many issues related to the removal or reconfiguration of the 长滩 breakwater.  Their assignment was to participate in a mock press conference on the future of the 长滩 breakwater.  学生们选择成为一名记者或当选为城市利益相关者代表.

“As students shared their views and answered one another with more thought-   provoking questions, I knew these students were well on their way to developing their problem-solving and critical thinking skills.  在讨论结束时, 我几乎是一个看不见的观察者, the students had raised several new insights that managed to alter my own opinion on the issue.  As a teacher, I am always excited when I learn from my students, which I am pleased to say is often.”

Sandstedt became a teacher following a career in advertising that included working abroad.  She was troubled by the multiple injustices she saw while working in third world countries.

“当我思考为什么这些罪行被允许继续有增无减时, 我总是得到同样的答案:缺乏教育.  受过教育的公众有办法反对不公正,为自己的信念发声.  I came to understand how important education is to righting so many of the wrongs people face in this world.  我开始意识到没有行动的话是多么空洞.

“我相信,作为一名教师,培养开放的心态是我的使命, informed young people who can 批判性的思考 and recognize their role as responsible citizens and stewards of the Earth.”

过去的一年, Sandstedt成为了MESA(数学), 工程, 科学成就)顾问,并组织了她学校的第一个MESA班.

“我看到学生们的分析能力有了很大的提高, 批判性的思考, 作为一个团队,创造性地处理和解决许多挑战.

“成为MESA的顾问让我成为了一名更好的老师, because I saw first hand how students could truly grow when they learn to take risks and begin to trust their own abilities.  I learned to step away and put more emphasis on the process of discovery rather than feeling the need to monitor each step of production for a perfect end product.  This approach carried over into my other classes and I found myself giving the students more independence than I did in the past.”

每天早上, Amelia Valinsky-Fillipow用他们选择的握手方式迎接每位学生, 击掌或拥抱.

“Making this genuine connection right off the bat shows them that they each matter to me as individuals.  Having individual contact first thing in the morning tells me how each student is feeling at the beginning of the day.  通常,一些孩子甚至在上课前就带着一种情绪上的恐惧来到学校.  By having this positive interaction, students are able to get the day started more successfully.  If needed, I can take a minute with a student while the rest of my class begins the day.”

在一堂课上,当学生们大声朗读他们的诗歌时, 8岁的孩子们开始了一场菠菜网lol正规平台泡菜的激烈讨论.  通过引导学生将强烈的情感融入到后续的诗歌中, 她能够向学生展示他们的写作所能达到的效果.

这个简单的诗歌课演变成了一个神奇的教学时刻.  这是一个时刻, 作为老师, 你永远无法计划, 但只有希望和承认当它来了.  A moment where time limitations and lesson plan restraints fly out the window and the next thing you know, 下课铃响了,该回家了.  A moment when kids groan because they are genuinely sad that they have to stop what they are doing and leave.

“我觉得这样的时刻是如此强大和振奋人心.  The students were engaged, having fun with purpose, and they were in control of their learning.  他们思考、推理、回答、辩论,并且热爱它.  These kinds of moments inspire me to foster an environment that allows for this type of unplanned experience because it is a powerful part of the education experience.”

Valinsky-Fillipow’s personal life is a reflection of her views on learning and achievement.

在凯特林教书的时候, 我跑过很多次马拉松, returned to 长滩 City College (held a full academic load) and ran cross-country and track (placing fourth and 12th in the state at the age of 35) and have run a 100-mile race.  我为这些成就感到非常自豪,其中一些成就比其他成就更难.  一路上有些事情需要我寻求帮助.  I share these experiences with my students and remind them that there are times that I have only been able to reach a goal with help and encouragement.  我从未放弃.  It is my job to gently push them to work harder (sometimes more than they want to) and to accomplish things that they thought were impossible.”

  • 2009
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