



十大菠菜导航网址的所有六个校区都很大, 综合性高中已经获得了西部学校和学院协会的六年认证. WASC团队最近访问了这些学校,观察他们为学生提供的服务. “我们很高兴所有接受评估的学校都获得了完整的六年认证,Christopher J说。. 施泰因豪泽,学校主管. “这反映了我们的高中生每天要做的大量工作, 老师, 管理员, 支援人员及家长. 并不是所有的学区都如此幸运地拥有如此光彩夺目的WASC报告. 这确实是一项重大成就.评论者指出了每所学校的几个优势领域. Cabrillo High School: • A caring and safe campus environment; • Collegiality among all staff members; • A standards-based curriculum and college-going culture; • Intervention programs and support for students; • Implementation of small learning communities. Cabrillo审稿人进一步指出,学生们在学习中很投入,“可供他们学习的资源是最先进的。.随机采访学生, 评论家说, 很明显,他们都很重视自己的学校,并为这里的教学环境感到自豪.乔丹高中:•利用数据调整教学, develop programs and place students; • Focus of curriculum and instruction toward achievement of standards; • Increase in enrollment in higher-level courses; • Mutual respect among staff and students, 以及利益相关者对学校的明确忠诚感. 莱克伍德 High School: • Commitment of staff to work together to improve student achievement; • Monitoring of student progress by using data; • Implementation of new, smaller learning communities; • Website that communicates school activities, 培训机会和学生成绩. 密立根高中:•更小的学习社区,促进学生的个人联系, 和有经验的, caring staff committed to student success; • Nationally recognized AVID college readiness program and college-bound culture; • Support by the 长滩 community; • Diverse academic offerings addressing academic, 个人及社会需要. 理工 High School: • Pride in diverse and collegial campus; • Multi-faceted academic and personal support system; • Highly qualified 老师 and support staff; • AVID college preparation program; • Success and growth in Advanced Placement. 威尔逊古典高中:•教师, 行政人员, student and parent efforts to provide a safe learning environment and clean school; • Faculty, 行政及职员对学生的奉献, 有效地向所有学生传授课程, and commitment to provide the strongest instructional program with equal access to all students; • Students’ significant progress on high-stakes tests; • Students’ appreciation of diversity, 尊重学习态度, 还有他们对学校的关心. 西部学校和学院协会是六个对公立和私立学校进行认证的地区协会之一, 大学, 和美国的大学. 欲知详情,请浏览 www.acswasc.org.

  • 2007
  • 档案
  • 区新闻